
The Basics…

This library is centered around the Client class. Once you have have your api base url and Long Lived Access Token from Home Assistant we can start to do stuff. The rest of this guide assumes you have the Client saved to a client variable. Most of these examples require some integrations to be setup inside Home Assistant for the examples to actually work. The most commonly used features of this library include triggering services and getting and modifying entity states.

 1import os
 2from homeassistant_api import Client
 7# Assigns the Client object to a variable and checks if it's running.
 8client = Client(URL, TOKEN)
10service = client.get_domain("light")  # Gets the light service domain from Home Assistant
13# Triggers the light.turn_on service on the entity `light.my_living_room_light`
 1 from datetime import datetime
 2 from homeassistant_api import Client
 4 # You can also initialize Client before you use it.
 6 client = Client("", "mylongtokenpasswordthingyfoobar")
 8 # In order to activate the requests session you to use the Client context manager like so.
 9 # Using it as a context manager will automatically close the session when you're done with it.
10 # But also will *ping* your Home Assistant instance to make sure it's running.
11 with client:
12     while True:
13         sun = client.get_entity(entity_id="sun.sun")
14         state = sun.get_state()  # Because requests are cached we reduce bandwidth usage :D
15         # Cache expires every 30 seconds by default.
16         if state.state == "below_horizon":
17             difference = - state.last_updated
18             print("Sun set", difference.seconds, "seconds ago.")
19             break


light = client.get_domain("light")

# {'turn_on': Service(service_id='turn_on', name='Turn on', description='Turn on one or more lights and adjust properties of the light, even when they are turned on already.\n', ...

changed_states = light.toggle(entity_id="light.light_bulb_1")


entity_groups = client.get_entities()
# {'person': <Group person>, 'zone': <Group zone>, ...}

door = client.get_entity(entity_id='cover.garage_door')
# <Entity entity_id="cover.garage_door" state="<State "closed">">

states = client.get_states()
# [<State "above_horizon" entity_id="sun.sun">, <State "zoning" entity_id="zone.home">,...]

state = client.get_state('sun.sun')
# <State "above_horizon" entity_id="sun.sun">

new_state = client.set_state(
    State(state='my ToaTallY Whatever vAlUe 12t87932', entity_id='my_favorite_colors.number_one')
# <State "my ToaTallY Whatever vAlUe 12t87932" entity_id="my_favorite_colors.number_one">

# Alternatively you can set state from the entity class itself
from homeassistant_api import State

# If you are wondering where door came from its about 15 lines up.
door.set_state(State(state="My new state", attributes={"open_height": "5ft"}))
# <State "My new state" entity_id="cover.garage_door">

Using Client with async/await

Are you wondering if you can use homeassistant_api using Python’s async/await syntax? Good news! You can!

Async Services

import asyncio
from homeassistant_api import Client

# Initialize client like usual, except with the :code:`use_async` keyword.
client = Client(url, token, use_async=True)

async def main():

    domains = await client.async_get_domains()
    # {'homeassistant': <Domain homeassistant>, 'notify': <Domain notify>}

    cover = await client.async_get_domain("cover")

    changed_states = await cover.close_cover(entity_id='cover.garage_door')
    # [<State "closing" entity_id="cover.garage_door">]


Async Entities

entity_groups = await client.async_get_entities()
# {'person': <Group person>, 'zone': <Group zone>, ...}

door = await client.async_get_entity(entity_id='cover.garage_door')
# <Entity entity_id="cover.garage_door" state="<yState "closed">">

states = await client.async_get_states()
# [<State "above_horizon" entity_id="sun.sun">, <State "zoning" entity_id="zone.home">,...]

state = await client.async_get_state('sun.sun')
# <State "above_horizon" entity_id="sun.sun">

new_state = await client.async_set_state(
        state='my ToaTallY Whatever vAlUe 12t87932',
# <State "my ToaTallY Whatever vAlUe 12t87932" entity_id="my_favorite_colors.number_one">

# Alternatively you can set state from the entity class itself
from homeassistant_api import State

# If you are wondering where door came from its about 15 lines up.
door.state.state = 'My new state'
door.state.attributes.update({'open_height': '5ft'})
await door.async_set_state(door.state)
# <State "My new state" entity_id="cover.garage_door">

What’s Next?

Browse below to learn more about what you can do with homeassistant_api.